hot-water bottles

美 [hɑːt ˈwɔːtər ˈbɑːtlz]英 [hɒt ˈwɔːtə(r) ˈbɒtlz]
  • n.热水袋
  • hot-water bottle的复数
hot-water bottleshot-water bottles

hot-water bottles


  • 1
    N-COUNT 热水袋
    A hot-water bottle is a rubber container that you fill with hot water and put in a bed to make it warm.

  1. As the twilight deepened , the night-staff brought extra blankets and hot-water bottles to keep us warm and large welcoming mugs of cocoa .


  2. People had camped out all night , huddling in blankets and clutching hot-water bottles , in hopes of making eye contact when the couple left the chapel .
